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Weather Records

All Data Collected Since Mars 2008. För dagliga väderrekord per månad klicka här.

Temperature Records

Highest Temperature 32.2 °C 31/07/2018
Lowest Temperature -16.3 °C 29/12/2010
Highest Heat Index 33.1 °C 26/07/2019
Lowest Wind Chill -24.8 °C 06/01/2024
Highest min. temperature 26.2 °C 05/09/2011
Lowest max. temperature -9.9 °C 26/12/2010
Warmest Day (6am - 6pm) 31.0 °C 20/07/2022
Warmest Night (6pm - 6am) 24.2 °C 28/07/2018
Coldest Day (6am - 6pm) -12.0 °C 25/02/2010
Coldest Night (6pm - 6am) -14.3 °C 22/02/2010

Wind Records

Highest Wind Gust 37.6 m/s 23/02/2024
Highest Average Speed 30.0 m/s 10/05/2022
Highest Daily Wind Run 1447.4 km 06/12/2013

Precipitation Records

Highest Hourly Precipitation 60.2 mm 23:15   08/08/2023
Highest Daily Precipitation 60.2 mm 08/08/2023
Highest Monthly Precipitation 0.0 mm April, 2022
Highest Precipitation Rate 4.9 mm/min 03/09/2014
Consecutive Days With Precipitation 21 Last day of Streak: 16/12/2011
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation 25 Last day of Streak: 16/03/2013

Humidity Records

Highest Dewpoint 25.5°C 02/07/2022
Lowest Dewpoint -47.4°C 05/04/2024
Highest Humidity 100% 03/07/2008
Lowest Humidity 1% 05/04/2024

Barometer Records

Highest Pressure 1050.8 hPa 19/03/2022
Lowest Pressure 960.5 hPa 21/12/2023

Sun Records

Highest Solar Radiation 1273.0 W/m² 22/06/2010
Highest UV Radiation 5.0 13/07/2020


Temperature Records

Highest Temperature 16.6 °C 09/04/2024
Lowest Temperature -15.3 °C 06/01/2024
Highest Heat Index 16.6 °C 09/04/2024
Lowest Wind Chill -24.8 °C 06/01/2024
Warmest Day (6am - 6pm) 14.5 °C 27/03/2024
Warmest Night (6pm - 6am) 12.7 °C 07/04/2024
Coldest Day (6am - 6pm) -11.8 °C 06/01/2024
Coldest Night (6pm - 6am) -12.7 °C 07/01/2024

Wind Records

Highest Wind Gust 37.6 m/s 23/02/2024
Highest Average Speed 26.4 m/s 23/02/2024
Highest Daily Wind Run 1072.3 km 14/04/2024

Precipitation Records

Highest Hourly Precipitation 18.8 mm 19:19   16/02/2024
Highest Daily Precipitation 18.8 mm 16/02/2024
Highest Monthly Precipitation 0.0 mm April
Highest Precipitation Rate 0.0 mm/min 01/01/2024
Consecutive Days With Precipitation 14 Last day of Streak: 2/26
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation 9 Last day of Streak: 3/12

Humidity Records

Highest Dewpoint 8.2°C 08/04/2024
Lowest Dewpoint -47.4°C 05/04/2024
Highest Humidity 100% 08/01/2024
Lowest Humidity 1% 05/04/2024

Barometer Records

Highest Pressure 1040.7 hPa 08/01/2024
Lowest Pressure 968.8 hPa 23/02/2024

Sun Records

Highest Solar Radiation 847.0 W/m² 03/04/2024
Highest UV Radiation 2.3 06/04/2024


Temperature Records

Highest Temperature 16.6 °C 09/04/2024
Lowest Temperature -1.3 °C 03/04/2024
Highest Heat Index 16.6 °C 09/04/2024
Lowest Wind Chill -7.6 °C 02/04/2024
Warmest Day (6am - 6pm) 13.7 °C 09/04/2024
Warmest Night (6pm - 6am) 12.7 °C 07/04/2024
Coldest Day (6am - 6pm) 1.2 °C 03/04/2024
Coldest Night (6pm - 6am) -0.2 °C 03/04/2024

Wind Records

Highest Wind Gust 23.3 m/s 14/04/2024
Highest Average Speed 19.5 m/s 14/04/2024
Highest Daily Wind Run 1072.3 km 14/04/2024

Precipitation Records

Highest Hourly Precipitation 12.8 mm 23:52   09/04/2024
Highest Daily Precipitation 12.8 mm 09/04/2024
Monthly Precipitation to date 0.0 mm August
Highest Precipitation Rate 0.0 mm/min 01/04/2024
Consecutive Days With Precipitation 4 Last day of Streak: 4/5
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation 1 Last day of Streak: 4/1

Humidity Records

Highest Dewpoint 8.2°C 08/04/2024
Lowest Dewpoint -47.4°C 05/04/2024
Highest Humidity 67% 03/04/2024
Lowest Humidity 1% 05/04/2024

Barometer Records

Highest Pressure 1023.6 hPa 12/04/2024
Lowest Pressure 994.7 hPa 02/04/2024

Sun Records

Highest Solar Radiation 847.0 W/m² 03/04/2024
Highest UV Radiation 2.3 06/04/2024


WEATHER TRIVIA -  Weather TermsDegree Day - Gauges the amount of heating or cooling needed for a building using 65 degrees as a baseline. To compute degree days, the average temperature for a day is taken and referenced to 65. An average temperature of 50 yields 15 heating degree days, while an average temperature of 75 would yield 10 cooling degree days.